Posted: Wed 12th Jun 2024

Police appeal to find missing 15-year-old from Llanrwst

North Wales news and information

Police are appealing for help in finding a missing North Wales teenager.

Jayden, 15, who is from Llanrwst, was last seen on Monday 3 June near Francis Street in St Helens.

Since then, there has been a reported sighting of Jayden in the St Helens area, but officers still haven’t been able to speak to him and make sure he is safe.

Merseyside Police said: “We continue to carry out extensive enquiries to find Jayden and are appealing to anyone who may have seen him to contact police.

“He is white, 5ft 3in tall, of slim build, with brown short combed over hair and blue eyes.

“When last seen, Jayden was wearing a grey tracksuit, dark coat and black bucket hat.

“He often visits areas in St Helens, Haydock, Warrington and North Wales.

“If you see him, please call 999 so we can make sure he is safe. You can also pass on information via our form.

“You can also get in touch with @MerPolCC on Twitter, ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook, 101, or Missing People on 116 000.”

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