Posted: Fri 29th May 2020

First Minister to give lockdown update “We are asking people to stay local – by local we mean not travelling more than five miles from home”

North Wales news and information
This article is old - Published: Friday, May 29th, 2020

The First Minister is set to announce the outcome of the third lockdown review his government has made, as they are required to do every 21 days in the regulations.

The announcement will be made at his 12:30 PM lunchtime briefing, the usual weekday timeslot for the regular Welsh Government updates. The briefing will then be followed by a Q&A session.

In official trailing to the statement First Minister Mark Drakeford is expected to say, amongst other things,: “We know people have missed seeing their families and friends over the last three months while the stay-at-home regulations have been in place.

“From Monday, people from two different households in the same local area will be able to meet up outdoors. They must continue to maintain social distancing and strict hand hygiene.

“We are also asking people to stay local – by local we mean, as a general rule, not travelling more than five miles from home to reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading as people begin to travel more. There will be exceptions – for example, travelling to work, to seek care and shopping for essentials if they aren’t available locally.

“Staying local will help keep Wales safe.”

The full briefing can be viewed at 12:30 PM via the Welsh Government twitter account @WelshGovernment, or on S4C or BBC One Wales – however it appears the BBC cut part of the Q&A sessions off due to the 30 minute slot.

Last night the First Minister published a video where he said “in reviewing the regulations, we have considered the latest evidence from SAGE and the advice of the Chief Medical Officer for Wales. We have looked at how the virus is behaving in Wales, at the rate of transmission – which is known as the R rate – at the capacity in the NHS and social care and at the impact of the small changes we have made to date.

“We have also looked at the impact the stay-at-home rules have had on the virus since they were introduced in March. We know that the efforts of everyone in Wales has helped to slow the spread of coronavirus and ultimately to protect lives.

“Thank you for your ongoing help and support and for all the sacrifices you have made. I know being separated from family and friends is difficult.

“During this review we have been looking at how we can do this once more, in a very careful and cautious way, without increasing the risk of the virus spreading.”

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