Posted: Mon 19th Oct 2020

Plaid Cymru voices concern at ‘drip-feed of information’ on Wales fire-break lockdown plans

North Wales news and information
This article is old - Published: Monday, Oct 19th, 2020

Calls have been made for proposed new “fire-break” lockdown plans in Wales to be debated and voted on in the Senedd.

The Welsh Government is due to meet this morning to discuss extra measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 following a recent rise in cases.

Expected to last between two to three weeks, the restrictions could see a similar “stay at home” message to the one in place in March – along with the closure of non-essential retail and hospitality.

However, Plaid Cymru has voiced concern over how the information was shared after details were made public in a leaked letter from a regional director of the Confederation of Passenger Transport over the weekend.

Sian Gwenllian MS, the party’s chief whip, said: “Based on the evidence we have seen and as we have repeatedly said over recent weeks, we believe that a national fire breaker is, regrettably, now necessary in Wales.

“We are concerned about the delay in making the decision and communicating it to the people and businesses of Wales.

“Whilst we would expect the Welsh Government to share its thinking with key stakeholders to allow them time to prepare, we are concerned about the lack of clarity and anxiety caused by a drip-feed of information circulating in the media and elsewhere over the weekend.

“The Welsh Government must urgently set out its plans for a national fire breaker through a ministerial statement on Monday morning at the latest.

“We have shared some important principles with the government which we believe must be at the heart of any fire breaker decision.

“We have outlined ways in which the time must be used to achieve the maximum positive impact and which mitigating plans and policies must be put in place to protect livelihoods and wellbeing.

“Clearly, the over-riding aims must be to bring the R rate significantly below 1 and to urgently focus on establishing a robust and effective test trace and isolate system.

“Once the government has set out its plans, the Senedd must have an opportunity to debate and vote on those plans which is why we will be asking the Llywydd and the Business Committee to make time for an emergency debate.

“An amendable motion needs to be tabled on the government’s plans for a fire breaker at the first opportunity in the Senedd next week.”

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