Posted: Mon 12th Jul 2021

Motion backs anti nuclear weapons treaty

North Wales news and information
This article is old - Published: Monday, Jul 12th, 2021

Gwynedd councillors have unanimously backed calls on the UK Government to pursue nuclear disarmament.

Thursday saw members support a motion backing the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, with an
amendment urging UK ministers to scrap plans to replace its Trident nuclear arsenal.

Originally presented by Nefyn councillor Gruffydd Williams, the move will see a letter being sent to the UK Government to inform it of the resolution.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 for its work in encouraging most United Nations members to agree to the International Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons.

The treaty outlaws the use or threat to use nuclear arms, and bars signatories from allowing “any stationing, installation or deployment of any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices” on their territory.

But with the UK Government not in support, instead backing  a replacement of the Trident nuclear deterrent, this stance has been condemned by Gwynedd’s councillors.

The UK has said that while it remains committed to a nuclear-free world, the government does not believe the treaty will bring about an end to nuclear weapons and could undermine existing efforts to do so, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Cllr Williams, proposing the motion, said: “Several anti-nuclear groups and organisations have already backed what’s being presented in front of you today.
“The UK has not signed and failed to take part in discussions, stating it will never support, preferring to renew Trident despite the astronomical cost of £205bn.
“They are proposing killing on a scale we can’t comprehend but we can show humanitarian leadership as a council.”

Cllr Elin Walker proposed a slight amendment to Cllr Williams’ motion, which was backed by all members, adding that the UK Government should back the treaty on top of offering Gwynedd Council’s support.
The motion was backed by 53 councillors with none voting against and three abstentions.

By Gareth Williams – Local Democracy Reporter

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