Posted: Mon 13th Jan 2020

Updated: Wed 26th Feb

Llŷn homes planning policy attacked

North Wales news and information
This article is old - Published: Monday, Jan 13th, 2020

Planning policy in parts of Gwynedd has come under attack amid a decision to allow two local couples to build a home in their own community.
Meeting in Caernarfon on Monday, planners went against the advice of officers in approving the building of two homes in Llanengan on the Llyn Peninsula, where house prices were described as unreachable for most local people.
With the cheapest three-bedroom home in nearby Abersoch going for around £395,000, many local families are struggling to get on the property ladder, with the applicants’ plan to build their own homes at Drws y Llan set to cost much less as the land was donated by relatives.
Despite this, officers recommended refusal due to several factors including questioning the need for homes in the village, their location, size, and value.
But members, having already approved a similar bid by the applicants in July but brought back following a “cooling off” period, stuck to their guns and backed their bid after describing existing policies as “not fit for purpose” in areas where house prices are extremely high.
The report noted that their location didn’t conform to policy, with their proposed size of 116 square metres being too large to be considered as affordable housing which, according to planning guidance, recommends an internal floor area of 94 square metres for three bedroom housing.
Having appointed a district valuer, officers also found that the market price of the homes once built would be £370,000 each, with the report noting that a discount of around 60% would be needed to bring them down to an affordable;e price which, historically, has caused problems when seeking mortgages or loans.
Members were also told that approval would leave Gwynedd council open to possible Welsh Government intervention and potentially “damage their credibility” in terms of planning decisions.
But Cllr John Brynmor Hughes said it was “impossible” for the applicants to buy a house, having also received the backing of Liz Saville Roberts MP.
“Our responsibility is to support local young people to continue living in their home communities,” said the local member, adding they had no intention of selling up in future.
“Unfortunately, existing policy does not allow this, as this application clearly shows.
“They are professional people,  rooted in the community, and are valued members that Llangenan doesn’t want to lose but I feel they’re being penalised for being in good jobs.
“One of the couples has been found to be beyond the measure for affordable home eligibility by Tai Teg, but their income wouldn’t come anywhere near a mortgage to buy a house here.
“We must ensure that a community of Welsh speakers exists in the village, but nearby Ysgol Abersoch is under threat of closure as it only has seven pupils.
“Why? Because existing policy means its easy for visitors to move here and buy homes but leaving it impossible for locals to do so.”
Cllr Simon Glyn, added: “We need to send a clear message to Cardiff that we want to do what we can for young professionals who want to continue living in their communities.
“These policies are stopping them and we need to show some bravery today and support them.”
Cllr Gruff Williams’ proposal that the application should be approved was passed by 8 votes to 4, pending a section 106 agreement providing a discount of around 60%.
After the decision, the committee chair echoed calls for a change in the system.
“The affordable home policy does not work in some communities, and as a council we need to go after this,” said Cllr Elwyn Edwards.
“There needs to be local person condition in some areas, which may help bring house prices down.”

By Gareth Williams – Local Democracy Reporter

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